Our Projects
New, two-storey luxury holiday home with basement and swimming poolm p2023-10-20T12:51:37+03:00
New, two-storey luxury holiday home with basement and swimming pool
P.O.T.A. Romanou - Costa Navarino
Reconstruction of the boiler room at the house of the American Ambassadorm p2023-10-20T12:52:08+03:00
Three-storey residential building with basement and two swimming pools in N. Kifissiam p2023-10-20T12:52:24+03:00
Renovation of a luxurious 5th floor apartment in Kolonakim p2023-10-20T12:52:34+03:00
Seven-storey residential building with basement in N. Psyhikom p2023-10-20T12:53:06+03:00